Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dear Husband

My Dear Husband,

I am amazed by you.  Tomorrow is going to be the start of something good.  Something very very good.  And you're amazing. Just thought you should know.

Love you MORE,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dear Family

Good Morning my Dear Family,

Just so you know, I cannot ever quite get enough of this:

Love you MORE,
Kate (aka Mom)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dear Son

Dear Son,

So, about last night. There are two schools of thought in the "how to put a baby to bed" world. We've been using the method of Snuggle-to-sleep paired with Sleep-With-Mom-All-Night. Which has worked wonderfully unless I still have to brush my teeth, wash my face, walk the dogs, and/or drink a glass of wine. Which brings us to last night and our visit to the other side (the darker side?) of bedtime. You slept a little when I put you to bed. And then you cried. And cried. And cried. And we let you. And you finally (finally!) fell asleep. It was hell for us both. And you know what? Today you cashed right out for your morning nap, no howling required.

So, I promise we won't make a practice of putting you to bed by yourself if you will try to fall asleep on your own every once in a while. Trust me, when you're my age, naps are awesome!

Love You MORE,

Dear Family

Dear Family,

I was just sitting here in our quiet house on a sunny Sunday morning and feeling overwhelmed by how blessed I am to be a part of your lives. I love being your wife and your friend, your mom and your pillow, your finder of lost things, your object of snuggling affection, and your general day to day chief operations officer. It is a challenge and a blessing to keep up with you (and your abundance of dogs) and I am so grateful that this is my challenge.

Love You MORE
Kate (aka Mom)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Dear Son

My Dear Son,

I just want you to know how much I cannot get enough of your smiles. Can. Not. Get. Enough.

Love You MORE,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dear Husband

My Dear Husband,

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for all you do for our family.  All the long hours you've been working, the shenanigans you've endured, and the work you've done to make it possible for me to stay at home for this long.  While I haven't loved every minute of it, I've been grateful for every minute of it.  And I wanted you to know.

Love you MORE,

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dear Son

My Dear Son,

Firstly let me say how much I am enjoying being your mother.  As babies go, you're pretty "easy" and so long as we keep you full, clean, and reasonably rested, you are delightful company.

Secondly, I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my formerly sleep-deprived heart for sleeping through the night last night.  This morning you felt great after a solid 8 hours (plus 3 more) of rest and your smiles have been a happy testament to your happy mood.  As have mine. 

Love you MORE,